One Piece Wano Arc – Best Lines, Quotes

one piece wano arc best lines quotes

You are the moon unaware of the dawn. May your purpose be fulfilled and cast nine shadows on the night woven of 20 years and you shall know the brilliance of the dawn.

If you call yourself a samurai, admit your guilt and kill yourself honorably.

As long as we have the sea, mountains and forests, getting food shouldn’t be a problem.

By the time we leave this country, I’ll make it a place where you can eat as much as you want.

You fear those who are different due to your stupidity.

A mature woman’s attractiveness alone is a weapon.

My stubborness will get in the way of saving someone. Maybe I can save someone if I swallow my pride.

A wise man would hide a leaf in the forest.
Nico Robin

People are flowers. If you are not clean water, your ladies won’t bloom elegantly.

You must always crush your enemy with overwhelming force. To make sure they’ll never stand against you.

How can people who don’t trust each other fight together in a deadly battle?

A moment of crisis will reveal your true power.

A bad virus can be beaten by a good virus.

As long as you live, don’t hold back from exerting all your strength.
Eustas Kid

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